I dont know really what to say about this game. I will say STOP RATING GAMES BASED ON GRAPHICS ALONE!

User Rating: 7 | NBA 2K9 X360
Love the graphics. Love the player animations and rituals. Hate the gameplay. 2k8 was alot better than this year's game. If you didnt know any better, you would think this game has a little man inside the xbox360 laughing his butt off that he can make this game get to you so bad. I have never been so frustrated with a game as i have with this one. I would like to think of myself as a hardcore NBA 2k gamer. Im not saying Im the best, but most of the time I wipe the floor with my opponents(friends that come over to play). Having said that, playing a season(much less one game) in this year's game is just asking for a broke controller. Where do I begin? First of all, it doesnt matter who youre playing, if the computer doesnt want to lose, its not gonna lose. Im talkin everything from, having your players miss wide open lay ups, to the computer player coming right down on offense and making a 35 foot-fading to the side three pointer with a defender in his face. While this would almost be acceptable once a game, it happens almost every qtr. Especially when you think youre playing great defense, and about to cause the computer to have a shot clock violation, they throw up a 3 with a defender right on him to hit it. Ive found that this happens almost 9-10 times that the shot clock almost expires. This is only really half the frustration. Very seldom, in real life NBA games(or any real basketball game), should an offensive team get the rebound on a missed FT attempt. It happens ALL THE TIME on this game....if a player gets a chance at a three point play, theres a very good chance it could turn into a 4 point play. Rebounding is very frustrating as well. You could have 3 guys in the paint on a shot attempt and the computer player will have 1 and somehow either come away with the rebound, or the tip in. I dont have a problem with backdoor baskets or alley oops being thrown down in my face everyonce in a while, but once again, it happens so frequently. Your defenders sometimes just stand there and watch the player theyre guarding go right by them for a backdoor cut. Playing good defense is pretty tough to do in real life, but on this game, its nearly impossible. You can be all in a guys face on the shot and it still finds the hole. When an opposing player is backing your guy down in the post, you might as well just select your guy defending and pull him off and start running down to play offense, cuz of the BS hook shot hes about to put on you is unstoppable. Now, I bet youre thinking "Uhhh, the hook shot IS pretty much unstoppable". Yeah, depending on the player thats shooting it. Not knocking anyones' teams' player. But if I see Yi go 10-10 on hook shots in a game against me again, im gonna puke. Free throws arent impossible, but darn near close. I know how to use the "pull the analog stick back and let go on release", but sometimes its so off that it even says "Bad Release" even if it was right on with the players release. To have a good FT shooter at the line and miss both is definately no uncommon on 2k9. And what's up with your player doing some wildly-insane shot under the basket, when he should just go straight up and put it in.....this causes my shot to get blocked almost every time. Why would any player, IN THE NBA, throw up some of the garbage your own players throw up in certain situations like they do in this game? Sometimes its like watching a bunch of 12 year olds playing city league basketball on this game. The passing is ok but definately not even close to what it should be. Im still trying to figure out how if Im trying to pass it to a guy on the right wing, he will manage to pass it to the opposite side of the court instead, resulting sometimes in a turn over? Alot of times the pass wont even make it to a player cuz of a stupid pass at the feet of the guy guarding your player. Loose balls are almost always picked up by your opponent and double teams never work....so dont ever try to trap or full court press.

This game could be so much better if theyd leave the things that work alone, and keep adding signature moves and shots to the game like they have. NBA, or even basketball in general, is a game of runs, but this game just gives you the runs considering it feels like the game just cheats you out of wins. While, Im not completely pissed enough to put this game down, it probably wont be long til i use this game as a frisbee. The look of the game is crisp and sometimes is very fun for a short while, only to let you down in the end. I think thats what causes me to keep playing, for that one shining momment I get that signature win that was not only earned or deserved, but owed. Anyway, 2k.....ya let me down this year.