After 6 straight years of NBA LIVE, i decided that i needed a change, a change to realistic gaming, here is my FULL rev

User Rating: 9 | NBA 2K9 X360
Introduction: ive been playing the live series since i was 9, i used to love their games, until 06' when they brought the "freestyle superstar" crap, it was way too unrealistic. so this year i made the switch to 2K, i think i made the right decision

ok, for starters, this game is hard,lol, no really, this game is hard as heck, u know, im used to playing nba live, in which i would blow out my opponents by 50 pts, on the highest difficulty. ive played about 5 games so far, and am 2-3, i won my last two games.

the AI in this game is astounding, even on your own team, i was so suprised at my guys team work, both on offense and defense, this game just feels right. the jumpshots look beautiful, and they actually go into the basket, im used to nba live 08, in which i had no control if i make a shot or not. but this game, i just press the X button, for like a sec or so, and make most of my shots.

THE ASSOCIATION: i really like this mode, its where i spend most of my time. the trade logic is great, i love being able to trade future picks and such, and the fact that no-trade clauses play a huge role in this game. the NBA.COM look works really well, except for a few framerate issues, while switching pages, even the music would stop for a sec.

PHISICS: the physics in this game work really well, i was suprised at the great collision detection.

GRAPHICS: the graphics are pretty good, sure lebron looks weird, STAT looks old, Q-Rick's lips look really weird, but for the most part most of the players look pretty good, especially shaq, and oden.


end of game scores


another plus is that its not NBA LIVE

um...defense is great

blacktop mode is very fun, its like real street ball


2k nav was a little weird at first

control scheme, well atleast until i found a way to put dribbling to the right thumb stick

EXTREME DIFFICULTY ON SUPERSTAR AND HALL OF FAME MODES, like most 2k sports games, including MLB 2K8.

OVERALL: great game, feels right, fun to play, tons of signature shots, and even freethrows. way better than nba live, well a paper ball and a garbage can is better than nba live now that i think about it.

remember, im KINGDRE410 *****, i donk care about the spelling!

this game is great, play on all star if ur just starting out, have fun

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