Its fun, but it has some problems.

User Rating: 7.5 | NBA 2K7 X360
Please do not jump on me for my review. I love this game. The basketball players seem realistic (the way they shoot the ball, how they make faces, the sweating, etc), the use of the right stick on defense (to raise your hands up, cut the ballhandler off, contest the shot, defend the paint, and steal) is effective, the use of the right stick on offense (to try a bank shot, to make moves while posting up, etc) is a good tool once you get the hang of it, and the new features (doing the jab step, many fancy crossovers, doing the step over, jab step with head fake, and protecting the ball) is a good feature. The only thing that is annoying is the free throw shooting. Its difficult to make free throws. You have to use the right stick to make them. If you hold the right stick too long, your shot goes off. If you release the shot stick too early it goes off. Its so difficult to make free throws, that a good free throw shooter (Ray Allen, Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash, etc) will have trouble making the first one. Guys that are terrible free throw shooters will have harder luck. I practiced my free throws on the practice free throws mode. I tried pulling the right stick down then releasing it at (2-3) seconds and it says the release is too early (the shot goes off). Overall its a good, well-rounded basketball game. The score is down because the diffiulty of shooting free throws. You'll need consistently made free throws to put a team away.