Get ready to be confused.

User Rating: 3 | NBA 2K10 PC
I picked this game up today since I enjoyed NBA Live 2008 and thought that a newer version would provide the same instant fun.

Alas, I was disappointed. I start the game, and I see a quick match game screen. Why? What happened to the main menu?

The game feels so alien in it's presentation. The menu screen is unnecessarily tedious, if you play with a keyboard it's even worse. Why leave those xbox or PS controller buttons everywhere. "To start press RF" What? This is the PC version, right?

The playing is ridiculous. It doesn't matter if you are too early with your shot, too late, or perfect. The ball goes in whenever it feels like it. Which is damn rare.

The players move like snails are unresponsive and worst of all, complete idiots.

But the nail in the coffin for this game for me is the technical jargon. Scrimmage, crossover, clutch, what the heck am I supposed to do when half the words in the game make no sense to me?

If you are a hardcore basketball fan, or play professional yourself, or know all the technical words, play this game if you want.

If not - stay the hell away from it.

3/10 for effort