Great fun but significantly hindered by glitches

User Rating: 8 | NBA 2K10 PC
Gameplay is outstanding and very realistic. The graphics draw you into the world of NBA and is highly immersive.

The majority of time i spent on this game was spent on the 'My Player' mode. Developing your player, customising finer details - such as facial features, hair style etc - play style, height was entertaining and the skill point allocation was a great idea to further customise your own character.

However, after about 10 hours my player hadn't advanced very far, i was stuck in D league and so i had to restart.

Getting it right the second time, my new player was an A+ avg athlete and after a few games i was offered a place at the summer circuit in a team of my choice. After working my way up to a safe position above the cutoffs, i was all set for the nba.

After the last game, a message popped up. I got dropped from the team and was put into D-League. Very irritated, i googled this event and it turns out my game was one of the many many whose had been affected by the 'clone bug'.

I played another 10hours to see if maybe i could get selected again. I was 'dropped' 2 more times from the D-league and selected by the dleague same team even being the player in the league with the best stats.

Plagued by bugs, this game is good fun for the first few hours. Im just looking forward to the next version where hopefully ill finally be able to play in the nba.