"This is the most realistic basketball game to date!"

User Rating: 8.5 | NBA 2K10 X360
Gameplay: Although this game has its problems, and none are awful, this game is the most authentic basketball game I've ever played! The player models are 100% perfect, you could probably recognize Kobe or lebron from anywhere on the floor, whether that would be in a cluster or a small crowd of players! Also, the animations are very smooth, however, there might be a few studders when you first boot up the game. But, this doesn't affect the gameplay at all! Another big step forward is the "NBA Today" which lets you play actual matchups from that day in the real NBA! I'm not alone when I say "It's about time!" The only little bugs I found where little studders during gameplay, and the heavily plagued "MY Player" mode that, in my opinion, needs a complete overhaul! Get it together 2K Sports!

Presentation: Once again, the commentary is as solid as ever! Kevin Harlan, Clark Kellogg, and Cheryl Miller do a great job on their mics! The courts are very highly detailed as well. All courts look exactly like their real-life counterparts which is amazing! Every single player in the game looks exactly as they do in real life!

Sound: The soundtrack does a pretty good job of mixing the tracks up during team selection and loading screens, even though they do get reptitive after while. Also, the players' shoes squeaking on the floor is as solid as ever. I thought I was really in the game at some points!

The Verdict: Even though this basketball game has no depth whatsoever, it makes up for it with an amazing presentation, solid gameplay, highly detailed players, and awesome commentary! This is one that you should definitely grab off of the shelves!