The greatest PC basketball game ever

User Rating: 9 | NBA 2K10 PC
2K sports has out done EA once again. When i bought a PC gaming was not in my interest, but after seeing do many games come to PC over the years i upgraded my PC to run games at maximum level. I bought EA Sports NBA Live 08 and was very disappointed. Not knowing that 2K Sports was soon coming to PC i was highly anticipating it though when i found out. NBA 2K9 was solid but NBA 2K10 surpassed any NBA game I've ever play on a PC. From the graphics (In my opinion always was ahead of any console) to the game play. 2K Sports has satisfied me in every way with this basketball game. Now i can't wait until a few more years when 2K Sports makes NFL 2K again and crushes EA's Madden once again. In conclusion buy this game because of addictive game play, quality, and low price. I rated it 9 out of 10