Unless you're a huge NBA fan who doesn't mind an unfinished game, don't waste your time with this Score:

User Rating: 5 | NBA 08 PS3
I'm a huge basketball fan, so I thought this game wouldn't be as bad as everyone said it was. Unfortunately, it is. The gameplay features a tricolored shot meter to time your shot. It works alright but that's pretty much how you shoot throughout the game. The gameplay itself is unrealistic, as you'll see players make about 95% of their attempted shots before being fouled. I didn't really enjoy the unrealistic scoring, plus the shooting is just plain annoying. Visually, the game looks awful. The players don't look anything like their real life selves, and the animations are ugly. The commentary is good for the most part, but they'll keep repeating the same things over and over again. The frame rate doesn't hold up all that well and there's clipping practically everywhere you look. This game should be recommended only to die-hard NBA fans who appreciate lousy gameplay mechanics and awful visuals.