Crappy, crappy, crappy

User Rating: 4.1 | NBA 07 PS3
What do you expect from a game that sports Kobe Bryant on their cover? Everything about this game is bad. In NBA 2K7 you can see interaction off the court. The fans will walk up and down isles. Cheerleaders jump and down and react to the whats happening on the court. There are even mascots for every team!!! This game has none of that. On the court there isnt much detail. It kind of looks like some of the light bulbs burnt out above you. The players look dull plastic. Stay away from this game!

Graphics - 4
This in no way what so ever resembles a next generation game.

Sound - 5
Even the sound is bad in this game. It seems like it was never finished

Value - 4
I dont see anybody playing this game for more than a half. Return it and get NBA 2K7