This game had a lot of potential to be a very good game, but seemed to be rushed.

User Rating: 5.4 | NBA 07 PS3
Simply, the game is way too short. They aren't enough things to do. The basketball part of the game isn't bad, but the game is way too shallow. There is no franchise mode or "the life" mode for some of the other games which was strong in the others. There isn't any commentary just the P.A. guy at the arena annoucing who scored, which is quite sad. There's a lot of dunking in the game, which is fun i guess but doesnt seem fun after thats the only good thing about the game. NBA Replay is the only mode that is kind of enjoyable. NBA replay is a mode in the game where you can back to last year and relive some of the great games players had last year. In conclusion this game had potential, but didn't make it.