User Rating: 10 | Navy SEALs: Weapons of Mass Destruction PC
First off let me say this game is amazing. Sure the graphics are not top notch and can’t stand with any of the up and coming games such as hl2 or doom3; however, this game can teach you so much. The AI is impressive, as the enemies will use the actually tactics of the real Iraqi soldiers. That is they will sneak up on you out of no where and then try and surrender by not firing. I can't think of another game that has done that much research to accurately portray someone. Also once, you have installed the cd, it serves as a great coaster. I haven't had any watermarks on my desk since I bought this game. And if you find yourself board, you can simply stick the cd in a microwave [not recommended without professional guidance] and watch the shader and particle effects take place in your microwave. Another strength of navy seals is that once you play this you will immediately want to get away from your computer. I lost 5 pounds just from going outside and playing golf. Navy Seals is truly a remarkable product, when you pay for it you get so much more than you would from a normal game.