The combination of FPS/RTS gameplay and teamwork make for a unique experience. It is also a challenging and deep.

User Rating: 9.5 | Natural Selection 2 PC
I've played NS1 and have waited long and hard for the release of NS2. I know this biases me in favor of this game, able to overlook many of its flaws in handling the learning curve for new players, but I have to honestly say that the rewards for learning the games intricacies are just too much to pass up: this is the quintessential team-based game. If you like the idea of working together as a cohesive team, constantly communicating and updating your plans of attack and you revel in the feeling of winning as a team, there is no better game.

For the new player there will probably be many frustrating hours spent repeatedly dying and trying to figure out things that should've been explained by the game itself. However, I implore you not to lose your patience and instead ask the very helpful community whatever questions you have. Once you experience the exhilaration of your first proper game where your contributions were a deciding factor to victory and where your team communicated and worked together to bring it all about you will understand why many die-hard fans want this to be rated Game Of The Year.