I rather play Rad racer on the NES!!!

User Rating: 4 | NASCAR 2011: The Game X360
I am sure that they could have done a lot better go at a NASCAR game then this product they brought out. When I saw the previews. The game looked awesome graphically. But that is where the awesome stops for this thing. This is no wheres near realistic. The online part is terrible with lots of bugs. The AI is a real joke with no sense of competition. You can almost text while playing the game and get first place. It reminds me of that old arcade NASCAR game that was out 6 years ago. I rather play some old NES racing games then this at times. I am a huge NASCAR fan. But just because I am. Don't mean I am going to brag about this game and lie to people that you must buy it. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I did. If you want to play a REAL racing Simulation. Get a good PC and a steering wheel and pedals. And subscribe to iRacing. It is by far the best racing there is. Well, good luck to ya if you bought it. Glad I rented it first!!!