Game is not complete. They should have spent more time making the AI better and the causions are a huge problem!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 7 | NASCAR 2011: The Game X360
So the game is not complete. They really should have spent more time on the AI being smarter. They seem to bunch up into each other on some turns. This game is way better then EA's nascar game. You can crash sometimes they causton just does not fly. Im not sure why. it can mess up the whole race. Also i drove head on into the cars when i was in last to get the causion to come out. However once it did come out they put me in first place behind everyone else so i ended up lapping everyone. Very buggy!! Please fix the game! I think they should really take some time to patch the game for the people who spent 60 dollars on this imcompete game. However the game can before a great nascar game. I do enjoy it more then nascar 09. I wish there was a better menu system to check my stats. The game play is great the cars handle good.