great racing experience!

User Rating: 7.5 | NASCAR 2011: The Game X360
I've been following this game ever since i heard the Nascar license was picked back up and have seen every detail(given to public) evolve into this game. since this was the first year they have worked the Nascar circuit i didn't expect the best game ever and it's not(even though it beats every EA racing title) but it has so much potential. they focused on pure racing, they added career(which isn't much but the ability to choose or make your driver and race the cup series) multi-player(which is kind of laggy and hard to find rooms) and last but not least simple race now. the main concern i have heard from people(forums) is the caution flags, and they're right they don't come out enough but a small bug here and there is really good for a first year game. i love Nascar and i love playing nascar games(even if it was putting up with EA) and this really hits the spot! the create a car feature is amazing and the tracks are highly detailed.