I was so so exited for this game but was let down when I got it.

User Rating: 5 | NASCAR 08 X360
I was very exited for this game but when I got it I was very dissapointed. The handling is bad, the chase is very very stupid and no point, and theres just nothing special or exited, thank god I only rented this game. But I do have to say that the online mode is very cool, although I wish they had more people available to play with, but nothing's perfect. I hope they make 10 alot better (09 is okay, but still has the cruddy career). Nothing more to say about this game, I'll just have to go back to 06 'cause Microsoft are cheap B*stards and won't have 07 compatible, that game was perfect. Don't waste your time with game, unless you want achievements, which are pretty easy to earn.
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