totally the same graphics and almost nothing has changed from last year except a little tweaks in the gameplay.

User Rating: 6 | NASCAR 08 PS2
I don't understand, what has happened to the nascar series or actually EA? They completely forgot they have fans all over the world depending on them to make a solid game.

I have to agree with Aaron Thomas this game is complete crap! Its like playing nascar 07 all over again!

This year when u go to the pitstop u cannot see how ure crew is fixing ure car, u can only see the view in which u r racing in!

This year EA sucks has not made any new gamemode and earn your stripes is exactly like fight to the top in 07 except with a new menu!

And finally can someone just tell me what the car of tomorrow does?

Why is ''THE CHASE'' missing from the game? Last time I saw it was on the 360 and ps3 version but no, EA had to remove it from the ps2 version,WHY???
