i think that nascar 06 is a great game. altho there r sum thinks that ea can improve on, its definitally one of the best

User Rating: 9.3 | NASCAR 06: Total Team Control XBOX
the game is great, but like i said before, it needs some improvments. one of the main things thats been suggested for a long time is being able to drive on pit road. if they had that and the ablity to drive or walk around the garage (kinda like project gotham racing 3), the ppl that play the game would be happier. another thing is in the truck series. they need to make the different models, not just one unreal model. overall, i think that ea has started to get the idea of wut they need for the nascar games, its just going to take time to develope it all. this is my review of nascar 06 total team control.