I have to say this game is better then last years but not the best ever. The new team thing really rocks. I say buy it

User Rating: 9 | NASCAR 06: Total Team Control PS2
Like I said if you are a NASCAR fan get this game. I'm not going to say this game is the best best Nascar game ever, but its good and great. I like the team thing this year. The damage mode is better then last year and the year befor that, but I stil have to say Dirt to Daytona damage is better. I have seen come cars hit the wall and then go into the field and yes I was in it as will. But The game why better then last year and it have more things to do. The game it self feels like last years, but when I race in the Whelen and go to my teammate car it lose. but over all I like this game alot and I am a big NASCAR fan my self and I think this game good for the fan. but for other people rent it first and see if you like it and then buy it.