Beware, fans only spot. If your one of those "hardcore" fighting game lovers, beware!

User Rating: 6 | Naruto: Narutimate Portable Mugenjou no Maki PSP

Has a lot of characters to use, varied chakra attacks, can change to ***. voice acting, graphics



Only ONE chakra attack for each character, not much stages, stages are not to good compared to the Ps2, no story mode, survival mode get's boring, the "team" thing doesn't really work out


First of all... I've reviewed the DBZ: Shin Budoki Another Road, which i liked. But this... Is just unforgivable. I mean it is really fresh, awesome, and fun to look at your characters just kick ass, but it get's boring so fast. In a long term way, it's really boring. But in a short term, long road trips, pass it around with friends and all, it's the best game next to DBZ. I'm a real anime fan and so i like anime's turned into video games. And fighting games are the best to pass around in a car if your with your friends and all. But this game doesn't make up to much for that either. Probably fun for...2 hours maybe? Then you have the right to throw it out in the trash. There seriiously is nothing to say about this game, it's just weird how it's fun and annoying and get's you wishing for more at the same time.

So my saying, don't buy this game. Just don't. I would say if your a fan, just think about it. And rather get the 2nd one RIGHT?!?!?!!?!?! RIGHT!!! My review on the second Naruto game on the PSP will be up soon!!!!

Just....6.0, nothing else wanna say about it.