This is the best Naruto game for PS2

User Rating: 9.5 | Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3 PS2
Graphics 8/10:
Good graphics and characters. Stages are great but the best graphics are in animations of attacks and short movies.

Sound 8/10:
Amazing sounds of everything. Great voice acting and special effects make this game even more better.

Story 9/10:
Great and the best story of Naruto but too short. The Ultimate Contest mode is a bit longer but it gets boring after some time because just walking around and getting missions isn't that fun as it looks.

Gameplay 10/10:
The best gameplay for a Naruto fighting game. Great moves and animations make this game unbeatable in gameplay. Still maybe a little improving in Ultimate Jutsu won't hurt because while you are concentrating on pressing buttons you miss half of the movie that rolls in the background.

Overall 9.5/10:
The best Naruto game in series. It is recommended to buy even if you're not a fan of Naruto.