Not different from older version, most characters have same powers but more characters make it good

User Rating: 7.5 | Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm Generation PS3
The game isn't very different from the older versions, online game is better due to the fact that the you don't know who the other player is going to choose, new substitution gauge improved the game a lot as it makes the player use it wisely. Game is rather lengthy and repetitive especially when you do the survival and tournament modes. Addition of new characters was a great thing however most characters haven't changed, attack wise that is. Another problem would be that some characters powers caused less damage than others, i am ok with that but the characters who caused least damage were not ones that deserved that downfall. Example would be the new kabuto, it is hard enough to get his power to hit and it didn't cause much damage if it did whereas sasuke can get a hit from anywhere causing tremendous damage.