This game takes all the great things from the PS2 games and puts them on the PSP. This is the best of the ultimate ninja

User Rating: 8 | Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 PSP
Naruto fighting games have been the classic fighing game for a few years now there combat has been great and there graphics have been amazing for the platforms tht they have been realesed on. And this is game is all of those things, it takes all the great things form the PS2 games and greatly puts them on the PSP. The graphics are amazing and the ultimate jutsu aanimations are just stunning . combat is fast and fun and is really accesable to new comers but has just enough depth for some more advanced players. Something new to the series is the 4 player co-op battles these are really fun but when everyone is fighing eachother in the same section its can get a bit confusing. The story i a big draw back, but luckley its not the central fucus of the game. the story is a super mario type platformer and the only reason youll force yourplay it is get all the 50 characters in the game along with there other unlockable jutsu. Its hard to care about the story. Overall this is a great naruto game and fighting game, its all the greatness from th PS2 and puts it on the PSP