what!!!! no emblem for this game

User Rating: 10 | Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel 2 PS2
You glimpse the commercials on Cartoon Network, and the reviews on the GameSpot front page, but each time you see Naruto your eyes go to that orange jumpsuit and eccentric headband and you think to yourself, "That's supposed to be a ninja? And the way he talks, with the screaming! They sure don't make ninjas like they used to."

And you're right. Naruto isn't like the mild-mannered Joe Musashi, the mature Ryu Hayabusa, or the schizophrenic Grey Fox, but whether you like it or not, he's quickly becoming one of the most important ninjas in video games. You can shun his spiky hair, whiskers, and all-caps way of speaking if you want, but you'll be missing out on great ninja action.

That's why we've started a new feature called Franchise Player. The point is to fill you in on shows, books, or movies that are spawning lots of video games. In turn, you'll have a better idea what's going on if you decide to pick one up, and you might also feel compelled to discover something cool outside the realm of gaming--in this case, a popular anime.

It's also worth mentioning that Naruto deals with adolescent themes and might be too extreme for small children. Watchful parents should note that the series contains cartoon violence and death--in the most dramatic ninja battles, characters frequently get stabbed, occasionally puke blood and rarely get ripped to tiny, bloody chunks. The series also has mild sexual content; the main character has the ability to transform himself into a near-naked girl, but there's no explicit nudity--just plenty of adolescent gags. For more information on the Naruto TV series, you can also visit TV.com.

this is the news you knew about naruto version one. now, naruto shipudid is 50x the action!!!
