Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4 is by far the best of the best in the ultimate ninja franchise and here's why

User Rating: 10 | Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel PS2
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4 is by far the best of the best in the ultimate ninja frachise and here's why.

Naruto is just excellent in this new story in UN4.the graphics are pretty amazing and the assortment of characters is a very good thing.using people like sasori and itachi, or just using the best of the best(naruto).The new Black Shadow storyline is pretty amazing.Also you can use the older and younger versions of certain characters. But on a down side you cant use the older version os sasuke.(which sucks).But serious gameplay and moves make up for it a little.

The background in which you fight in are pretty awsome, taking you from the classics to new backgrounds like fighting in the hot dry sand village desert.
All in all this game is great and i do hope you go out and buy this game not rent if you can help it.