A Contra-esque NARCO game that makes you feel like the ultimate super cop.

User Rating: 9 | NARC NES
NARC is a true classic that seems to be somewhat inspired by Contra but has some very noticeable differences. Created back in 88, NARC was definately a greatb side scrolling Police shooter.

You play as a spandex and helmet wearing DEA agent out to stop Mr. Big (wow major originality there Rare) You patrol the seedy streets of a Brooklyn ghetto busting and shooting dealers, ninja's, renegade cowboys, Evil Bums, murderous clowns, psychotic millitary men, stoned dogs, and many otther colorful characters.

The gameplay is your usual side scrolling shoot em up madness you would find in Contra and 1943. You are armed with a sub machine gun in one hand (umlimited ammo) and a weird laser gun (requires ammo) in the other. It really makes you feel like that cop action hero reminicent of Stallone films like Judge Dredd, Demolition Man or Cobra. You can even jack cars to get around easier and run down enemies (damn fun) but they wreak after only one crash, so its good theres lots of them. The only problem is the game is just too short.

The graphics are quite good (for 88) and show lots of detail on your officer as wel as the many cool characters you'll encounter throughout the game. The enviroments also look nice and seedy adding to the ghetto feel of the game.

The sound dosen'r fall short either with some decent voice overs for each character and lots of sound effects like gunshots and car motors.

NARC is just a really fun side scroller with lots to shoot and lots of other cool little touches that make you feel like the ultimate super cop.