Well crafted game with a great attention to detail and an engaging mystery, but not enough to make me want to revisit it

User Rating: 6.5 | Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor PC
Suprisingly difficult at times (needed a guide to know what to do/where to go) but overall it was a simple and easy to solve mystery. Going around the manor was confusing because one click to much could take you in a completely different direction and confuse you. The manor itself was very small and I would have liked to be able to go outside. I did like the time changing aspect with the alarm clock as well as being able to order food. I had no problems in talking to the different characters in the game, and appreciated that they did not repeat the same sentences over and over again like in some games. The Old English elements were really elaborate and well done, and I enjoyed learning about runes, Cockney slang, etc. while playing the game. I enjoyed playing the game as Nancy, and I really liked that the voice work was very well done. All the characters sounded very real and it wasn't a chore to sit through the narration and answers. There were some tedious parts, for example, having to run through the dark passages all the time. In addition, some of the puzzles took too long and were not entertaining enough to make up for it (for example, the water puzzle in the forge and Jane's matching rune game). While I enjoyed the game for the most part, I do not think that I will ever play it again.