Really useful & It ISNT just for people who need to lose weight !!!

User Rating: 7.5 | My Weight Loss Coach DS
Well first of all done let the name fool you..this isnt just for people who need to lose weight... Im slim and defo dont need to lose weight but i got this game as i could be more healthy and dont really have the motivation so what the hell..i gave this "game" a shot and im enjoying it in all honesty...

First of all it will ask you some questions..the, age etc then it asks for your height and weight then it goes on to tell u ur BMI then tells u if ur under-weight, at the right weight or over-weight...
You import information about activities youve done through-out the day and the foods youve eaten etc..

It goes on to give u challenges, ways to have more energy and heathy things to eat which is the two things i was hoping form this..i need energy as im always tired from nights where my baby boy decides to wake up at about 3!!
So for me this game is useful..

I understand its not for everyone but if ur looking to keep urself in shape etc and need a little help this is perfect for you.