3d Virtual Girlfriends

User Rating: 10 | My Virtual Girlfriend IOS
Admittingly, I'm not exactly the target market for this game (I'm a female), but my husband has this game on itunes and I had to check it out. It's a 3d virtual girlfriend simulator for iphone. It has pretty descent graphics and lots of girlfriends to choose from. I found the girls very beautiful and stylish and the game was easy for me to navigate
I was able to start a relationship with a girl and just like a real life relationship, I had my good and bad moments with her. She was very funny to me since I say things like that in the real life situations myself.

Now as far as the game play goes, It allowed me lot's interaction and activity's but the money system was not clear to me at first, but I still took her to dinner , and I bought her flowers.

The only thing I think it needs improvement is the game ending at level 4 , i hope the developer will carry on adding more level and update and also I hope the developer create the boy friend version of this game then will be happy.
Definitely the best app my husband has in his iphone, of this type and he has a lot.