Fun minigames, but it shouldn't be played for more than one hour a day.

User Rating: 5 | My Street PS2
Hello folks! Today I am here to review a somewhat childish game that has really fun minigames but doesn't have much available playing time. Now the storyline is about a new kid moving into a new neighborhood, and he must make friends with other kids by impressing them by beating them in their respected minigames. The only way that a person may have difficulties beating this game is whether or not you finish all the minigames in time. Which can be really frustrating because you even have to do chores! The realism in this game isn't a bad thing but it's also not a very good thing, as it interferes with your success in the single-player mode. The online multiplayer...well is just about as moving and breathtaking as the single-player, which by now you should know isn't exactly what i'd call quality. Seriously...there's no difference at all. Same minigames, same atmosphere, same everything. Luckily, the minigames are really fun. Some are weird and unorthodox like chicken herding and lawnmowing, and there are fun and common ones like volleyball and dodgeball. If your getting this getting this game for one of your loved ones at any point in time, get it for a young person because all they care about is fun. Although this game is extremely fun, the graphics are terrible and I can't bring myself to play it for more than an hour I have to give it a dreaded 5.0.