Fails, even as a screen saver. Boring, buggy, BAD.

User Rating: 4.5 | My Aquarium WII
The only reason I even downloaded this glorified screen saver was to have something on in the background every once in a while. Even as background ambiance, My Aquarium is obnoxious and unattractive. The noises are loud and unrealistic at best. It can't even deliver on the extremely few promises it makes, and I didn't expect a whole lot out of it in the first place.

"Choose from over 40 species of fish," well not exactly. Unless you turn it on every day and stare at these pixelated and choppy fish, you get about 10 at most, the rest are locked with no indication as to what you need to do to unlock them. It also offers the opportunity to decorate and customize your own tank, the items and options are kind of cool, until you try to put them in the tank. First off, you can only put things in the center of the tank and getting them to go where you want them is a chore to say the least. After all is said and done, the items are nothing but eye candy since the fish basically do nothing but swim through the rocks (and I don't mean through holes) and bump into and get stuck (in a digital sense) on the plants.

Bottom-line: this overpriced screen saver is garbage, spend your 500 points on an old 8-bit Nintendo game instead, they look almost as good.