User Rating: 5 | MVP Baseball 2003 XBOX
Lets start off by saying that this is FAR better then World Series Baseball 2k3. This is one of the most realistic (and fun) baseball games of all time. The graphics for the game just are great; the players faces look just like they should, with some emotion. The jerseys have just the right amount of bump-mapping. The only thing missing is that the wind has no effect on them; they just stay perfectly still. The thing that makes this the best baseball game of the year is the gameplay. The throw meter is brilliant; now you feel like the pitcher, not the catcher telling the pitch what pitches to throw. Batting is better then ever, mostly because of the removal of batting cursors. I hate batting cursors; in replace, you can chose which way you hit the ball and if it is a fly or a grounder. The sound is pretty good, not the best I've seen but, still good. Unfortunatly, the only game modes are homerun showdown and franchise. But the game is so fun, you can just play over and over again. I hated Triple Play 2002, and now it is dead, buried and forgotten. In replace is one of the best baseball games ever.