For a first time, this game rocks.

User Rating: 9.6 | MVP 06 NCAA Baseball XBOX
Yes, i know it is based off the MLB one, but this was awesome. I do wish they could include DII and DIII teams. But at least have a few more major stadiums. Also, there needs to be a race for the Gold Spikes option, kindof like the race for Heismen in NCAA football. Another area of tweaking would be the uniforms, which could be more customized. Lastly, i wish you didnt have to delete a team to add a new one to the game.

Other than those areas i loved it. I created my DIII team and had a great time playing it. Many of my buddies did this as well. I hav enever had more fun playing a game. Especially when a guy gets on academic probation or hurt. It is very interesting!!! Great job on this one, looking forward to 07!!!