Same game as others in series; has a couple of new features and lack of real names of players.

User Rating: 8 | MVP 06 NCAA Baseball XBOX
The gameplay of the MVP baseball series is it's greatest strength. This is not lost in this version of MVP although it has lost the MLB license. If you have real beef with the lack of the license, I guess you wouldn't want this game. But the gameplay is still good, so if you're looking for that, you should skip the 2K game and get this one. There's a good Dynasty mode, where you recruit players year round, just like in the NCAA Football series. And there are challenges where sponsors give your program stuff like bats and gloves that will improve your teams batting skill or fielding skill, etc, etc, if you complete them.
There's also this new swing feature where you pull the analog stick back and then forward along with either pressing the left or right trigger for a power or contact swing, respectively. Or you don't have to press anything and you take a regular swing. It takes some time to get used to, and if you've played other versions of the series and you are comfortable with the setup already you can forgo this mode to swing altogether and use the old method of swinging.
Basically if you haven't played a baseball game, get this one to start. If you have a copy of mvp 05, you'll probably be happiest just playing that version. If you want to check this game out anyway though, it's only $20 bucks now so you won't break the bank buying it.