Buy this instead of MLB 2k6

User Rating: 9.6 | MVP 06 NCAA Baseball XBOX
If you played and loved MVP 05 you will definetly feel right at home here. I found the new hitting system pretty hard to get used to, but i just switched it to classic as well as teh fielding system. The basic modes are still here. lots of teams, decent graphics. Its basically the same game except with college players, and aluminum bats which are absolutly sick. Theres also a great soundtrack to listen to while you are simultaiong in dynasty mode or whatever. The games only flaws would have to be no real players names which dosent really bother me, and though the grpahics are decent they could be better. IF you have been playing the MVP series for years i suggest if you want an MLB game you update the rosters on the 05 version, but if you want something knew in addition you should get MVp 06 ncaa baseball and youll be rewarded with a fun/unique expireince.