Nothing like the Major Leagues MVP baseball.

User Rating: 8 | MVP 06 NCAA Baseball PS2
MLB licensing was unfair to baseball video games. The MVP series continues its baseball game entries; Unfortunately only with College players. Personally I feel this game is lacking in may areas. The recruiting system is interesting and team/ballpark creation is pretty fun. The simulation of baseball is great, but it stops there. Commentary is thin, slow and repetiitve and the game animations are too few. The new load and fire batting system is hard to use and the new fielding system is off balance and tricky. However, you can change both the hitting and fielding controls to more familiar versions of MVP games called "Classic" control. The graphics don't seem as crisp as the did last year, but the sound and sountrack are grade A. Huge changes that made MVP 2005 so great have downgraded this game to a sub-par MVP experience, (which is still heads above the competition). Players should be allowed to download real rosters from colleges and have more control over the real college teams that are not included in this version. Overall I feel this game could be a lot better and I am looking forward to next years installment to correct some of these pressing issues and come back in MVP style.