Fun adventure

User Rating: 9.5 | Museum Madness MAC
This was a great game back in the early 90's. There was a lack of any fun games during that times. The best games that I knew of back then were mostly edutrainment. This certain game took place inside a museum and you get the help of a robot if I remember correctly. All of the characters (displays) in this museum have something going wrong with their display such a the wright brothers ship doesn't fly and needs fixing or Edisons electrical thing doesn't work. Some of it isn't too easy to figure out and others take half a second. Overall though the game is a great learning experience and is incredibly entertaining at the same time. This was a great game by the makers of Oregon trail and Yukon trail. Another awesome thing about this game is that it doesn't have an ending that I have found which adds some tremendous replay value. if you like any other game by MECC than this is a game you will probably enjoy.