MU Online: Definately one of the best free MMORPG's out there.

User Rating: 9.9 | MU Online PC
Well, I have played this game for about 2 years now and what can I say besides that it is amazing! For being free it definately has a lot of things to offer. The gameplay first of all is like every other MMORPG. Not very original with what you can do, but if you play MMO's you know what I mean, there isnt much originality in gameplay anyway. But still, the way to bring it together in a free MMO is great. If you play any free MMO's you know that the graphics are usually budget 2d graphics that almost look cellshaded. But for this game, the graphics are over the top. They pretty much blow any other free MMO's graphics out of the water. Using 3D styles and animations, as well as beautiful backgrounds and scenery, they really bring the universe of MU to life. The sound on this game is also well done. It gets kind of redundant after a little while, but you barely notice, as your captivated in the story, the people, everything. But all that aside, they use realistic sound effects such as swords clanging, footsteps on grass or rocks, etc. The value of this game is incredible. For being free, this game will keep you edging for more, until your wrists are sore from playing. Overall, AMAZING game! Definately try it out if you are into MMORPG's.