One of a kind game

User Rating: 9.4 | Mount & Blade PC
Even though Mount & Blade is still in its development stage, this game is absolutely amazing. I never played a game like this, It's just so immersive! Well to the review.

Graphics: This is the only part of the game that lacks at all, but like I said it's still in the development stage so it doesn't really matter. And because of the fact that it's still in development I won't take off and make it a 5, instead I give the graphics a 7.

Gameplay: Fun and Immersive. It's like an RPG that never ends! You adventure and advance in skills and levels in a medival war setting. This game's combat has feeling to it which I love, but can't really describe.

Sound: Amazing sound effects and a superb soundtrack, just one or two of the noises sound low quality.

Value: This game is REALLY addictive, thats all I really need to say here


You have to at least try the trial for this one, I did and never regretted it.