Having played this game since the early .400 betas, this game has grown exponentially. The end result: awesomeness.

User Rating: 7.5 | Mount & Blade PC
Granted, this game is far from perfect:

1. If you're a shallow tard, like most people, the graphics will be seen as plain hideous.
2. The sound and music, though passable for me and other people who enjoy the game, isn't "epic" like other games.
3. It is too open ended, so much so that the game doesn't end.
4. Not all the missions are interesting (but then again, what game is constantly exciting).
5. If you've played this game for a long time and played lots of different characters, starting from scratch for the Xth time feels extremely slow. (that's why breaks are recommended from this game before starting over)

What we have instead is an awesome combat system, the best offered for melee weapons (next to fighting games), decent AI, and one of the more active modding communities in existence.

All of this wrapped up in a action-strategy-rpg-hybrid.

Just get the game and play it. If you don't like, something must be wrong with you.