Great, easy to play game.

User Rating: 8.8 | Mount & Blade PC
If you haven't played the demo yet, do that before reading this.

I really enjoy this game. Who wouldn't want to ride over battlefields at the head of a band of heavily armored knights? Who wouldn't want to rush into to battle swinging a longsword, cutting down the local vikings? Or how about standing in the rear, picking off plate-clad men-at-arms at each twang of your crossbow?
This game is dynamic, has a great group of modders and is still beta-so it will get better!

Combat controls are pretty simple, L-mouse attacks and R-mouse blocks. But Combat is a whole other horse (no pun). From deciding whether to crash through enemies on a charger to legging it with a halberd the possibilities are endless. Want to carry a mace and shield? Ok, but you'd better forget about carrying a arming sword as the weight will keep you from getting to a vantage point or avoid cavalry. AI is not the best, but it gets by. You have a few basic commands for your troops, ex. hold this position, follow me, charge.
The main game's has no real storyline, but the various mods have interesting stories.
NO multiplayer.

Its not DOOM 3 or FEAR, but it's good enough for me.

This is probably the weakest point. The things guys yell in combat should be alot more varied than the two phrases they repeat at intervals. The soundtrack is boring after awhile, but it is easily changed. I now listen to neverwinter nights music while ramming spears into peoples throats.

Well, there is no resellability as this is a electric purchase.

Reviewer's Tilt
Not sure what this means. I really like the game and found it very addicting. Did I mention there are some great mods?