The fact that this game offers offine multiplayer is good enough for me.

User Rating: 8.5 | MotorStorm: Pacific Rift PS3
Pacific Rift is great because i said so. With that said though, it still offers a lot to the average Joe.....

.......and that's the reason why it's so great, it has so much to offer. Not only is it enjoyable alone, but it's even better with a friend. Let's face it though. You didn't really want to buy a racer for the *amazing* single player campaign or *mind-blowing* cinematics. You most likely bought it for the great multiplayer it has to offer. Too bad most next-gen racers feature Online multiplayer, not offline.

If so, then congratulations because this is the game for you. In fact I'd be more than happy to say that this is the ONLY racing multiplayer you'd need at a party. Assuming of course that you don't own a Wii, or if you have a really **** PS3 collection. (Like mine)


Single player: A ton of fun and content. As you'd expect from any arcade racer.

Multiplayer: Fun, enjoyable and tense.


Motorstorm: Pacific Rift is a game that simply cannot go unoticed. Why? Because it's a great multiplayer and an enjoyable game all round. Criticisms? It does take a small while to get used to the tight phyisics and handling of the game, but even after you've mastered them the actually racing component of the game still feels a bit crap.......

I know that sounds depressing and will probably be the deal-breaking reason of why you won't buy the game, but unfortunately that's just something you'll have to deal with. There's no easy way i can say it :(

Apart from that though, Pacific Rift is a more than solid racer that delivers more than you can chew.

Should you buy it? 80%, yes. Basically if you're the hesitant B**tch you make out to be and want to buy a game that offers a challeging, yet appropiate experience then i highly reccomend this game. Longevity shouldn't be a problem......Oh and don't forget the Multiplayer!!!

Price I'd pay: < $50 aus. I'd reccomend the full retail price, but personally i just don't have the money for those kinds of purchases.