I loved it!

User Rating: 8.5 | Mortal Kombat: Deception XBOX
I thought it was a very fun game. It's not the easiest but it's not hard.
I think the difficulty is just right. I really love it.


It was easy to know where you were supposed to go because it shined a green light. I thought that it was way better than Shaolin Monks!
I loved it when you had to train with, and do mortal kombat with people.
I only died like two, or three times throughout the whole game.
So I don't think that anyone will have a hard time with it unless they have a broken controller. Because before I had a broken controller, and it was very hard, but then I got a new controller, and it was a piece of cake.
If only I could've eaten it.
I recommend this game. If you don't have it already then go buy it.


If you don't like blood, and gore you might not be that pleased with it.
Especially if it's in versus mode.(By the way I think you can turn off the gore) They have meat grinders, acid pits, lava pits, huge boulders that come down and smash people, in the level Falling Cliffs you can fall off the cliff and fall on spikes(you'll see alot of spike pits in other levels too), and not to mention the beasts mouth in that one level.
If you buy it I hope you enjoy it as much as I still do.
By the way they have a Chess Kombat, and a Puzzle Kombat.