A ps2 classic.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mortal Kombat: Deception PS2
The game returns to explore the elements of secrecy and variety that helped popularize the series, adding a huge "kripta" of extras and bonuses to be unlocked. If this were not enough, Midway also offers a mini-game puzzle, a board game inspired by the classic "Archon" and even an RPG-style quest, called "Konquest". All this tied in the traditional sense of humor of the series.

Fans of the traditional exaggerated style will not be disappointed. The game once again brings different fighting techniques for each characters, many crazy combos and a greater variety of traditional Fatalities - mortal blows to squander violence against the opponent. Despite not offering varieties "Animality", "Babality" and other follies of previous episodes, you can commit suicide to get this taste of the enemy.

The phases of Mortal Kombat Deception call attention not only to offer a variety of deadly traps ranging from insects to carnivorous giant meat grinders, but offering several different levels and even some powerful weapons spread their huge extensions. The design helps them to keep the tension high (especially when placing weapons near traps), something that should please fans.

With all its extras, it is difficult to imagine how long it would take to unlock all characters, clothing, arts and profiles, but this value is in tens of hours. Taking into account that all options of the game can be played online, this game offers a lot.