An excellent portable fighter. You won't get this on the DS and if you're a fan of the original, you will love it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mortal Kombat: Unchained PSP
It seems to me that the capabilities of the PSP are taken for granted. When I got this game, I was expecting a very watered down version of the original. However, I felt that would be acceptable as portables can never stack up to their console counterparts. With the exception of the loading times, which can indeed be a little frustrating, this game is spot on! If you loved playing it on the PS2, you'll like it even more here because everything has been faithfully ported over into a mobile format.
The graphics and sound are more than what you could ask for. The only gripe I have with the controls is that when you play Konquest mode, the camera can be a little quirky. During battle, however, everything is as tight as a drum. The gore is all there and there has even been new content added, which, for a portable version, is usually never the case. In fact, the opposite is typically true and content is usually removed because of memory constraints. Not here.
If you loved playing this game on the consoles, you will enjoy it even more on the PSP because of the portability factor. This game, much like MKII, has a lasting appeal for MK fans because a great deal of care was put into the characters, weapons, fatalities, arenas, sounds, and all of the extras. At $14.99 for a brand new copy, this game has been the best bargain that I have come by in a long while. This game is seriously underrated, and any MK fan with a PSP would be foolish not to go out and grab a copy immediately.