Exactly what the franchise needed.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mortal Kombat PS3
This game is titled Mortal Kombat for a good reason. It's a rebirth of what made Mortal Kombat so good from the MK 1, 2, 3, Ultimate and Trilogy games. It brings back all the viloence and brutal Kombat that ALL Mortal Kombat fans enjoy. The new X-Ray, and Combo Breaker is a nice touch as well. I've played about 5hrs into the storyline, and I unlocked a trophy thats called "Halfway there". I was really impressed with that. IT seems the storyline got some work put into it. The Kombat just feels right. You can chain together plenty of combos with the juggle system thats implemented. I'm only on just the storyline and havent really got to play the game against my friends; which I know will be alot of fun. I really enjoy all the unlockables and Test your might sight and luck too.I cant wait to see where Mortal Kombat goes from here. If it's anything like Street Fighter who rebooted its franchise I have plenty to look forward to. Any MK fan has to own this game!