Fun for four in your local living room! Enough tributes to Zombies Ate My Neighbors thrown in to make it nostalgic!

User Rating: 7.5 | Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia X360
The game is a solid 7.5 with four players. The graphics and enviornmental audio are great. The cheesy dialogue is perfect for a "B" style film. If the game had better controls and camera it could be a solid 8.5+. I hope they make a second. For now I will wait patiently for the patch to clean up some of the issues it shipped with. If you have several gamers in your house and want a fun game to play together then you might want to check this one out. I actually found the over the top action more fun then Marvel U.A.. I didn't mind paying the $60 but it would have been better at $40 in its current state.