I tend to agree with Gamespot on this one.

User Rating: 6.1 | Monster Hunter PS2
Monster Hunter while having good polished graphics, lacks any sort of polish elsewhere. The menus are a hassle, the online play is frustrating at best and frequently disconnects, and the solo play is pretty repetitive and loses it's luster after about 5 hours. This is the type of game you'll absolutely love for a few hours then begin to realize that there are much better games out there in this genre. Capcom's online support has been dissapointing at best, and they need to step it up if they wish to remain competitive in the online market. The controls are decent in Monster Hunter. You flick the right analog stick to hit and left analog stick to move similar to Grabbed by the Ghoulies (Xbox), and it's just about as much fun as the latter. Sound and Graphics are the only redeeming qualities in this title and both are not perfect, but very well done. This is a good rental, but I extremely advise against spending $50 for it.