Great game. A true hunting experience. Great for hack and slash lovers.

User Rating: 10 | Monster Hunter PS2
In monster hunter you wake up in a village. You have no money and no weapons and you're supposed to fight the BIG monsters. This is a game that requires patience and persistence. The controls are a little weird but if you take your time you will get used to it soon enough. You have beautiful
areas from the jungle to volcano's with each there own unique monsters, characteristics and items to be gathered from there. You will also get the idea you're in the jungle or volcano yourself if you watch the area closely and listen to the whistle of the birds or the stirring noises from inside of the volcano. Of course you also have other areas.

Monster hunter has an offline (solo) mode and an online (multi player) mode. For offline it can take up to 70 hours before you complete it. But if you're online it can take over 200 hours to complete. When online you're in a town full of hunters. You can take up to 3 friends on a quest and beat the crap out of a monster with 4 giant swords or hammers. There are people who have made 2000+ hours online. The purpose of the game is to go on quests, gather materials and slaying BIG MEAN monsters which are sometimes over 30m tall. Don't get cocky and hasty when fighting a BIG MONSTER because you'll get your ass kicked if you do. You have monsters from tiny little deers to big dual horned winged monsters that can break a mountain into tiny pieces. Most of the time you'll be hunting monsters but you also have gathering and capturing missions. Capturing quest are very much fun to do. I already see you running after a big flying monster in order to capture it.

The graphics in this game are very good and the behaviour of the creatures you will encounter are very realistic. That's very unique in a game. Since many games have creatures that act in a pattern and don't take other actions like robots do, they are programmed to always do the same but not the monsters in this game.

The game doesn't really have much of a storyline. By doing quests you will earn money to buy and create weapons and armor and eventually you will unlock more areas and quests. You have tons of weapons and armors to make which can take quite some time to obtain. By slaying more and more monsters you will gain materials and craft better and better equipment to eventually become the ultimate hunter. In this game you have access to many different types of weapons and armors. Mastering them all will take a VERY LONG time. One of the things that makes this game so unique is the fact that nobody is as good with the same weapons as someone else. Everybody is specialized in combat with a different weapon. From tiny sword and shields to massive brutal hammers.

I have made over 600 hours with this game offline and I'm nowhere near to mastering all weapons yet. The game is seriously worth buying. You only need some patience with completing missions and to unlock everything. Though it doesn't really has a storyline it's still fun to play with the idea of a little human kicking the ass of a 70m tall dragon.