User Rating: 9.5 | Monster Hunter PS2
when you think online gaming on the ps2 you think call of duty, fifa or socom navy seals, but what you should really be thinking is monster hunter!
this game has everything from lush enviroments too monsters with diffrent shapes and sizes for you to destroy with you wepon. story
monster hunter, has a pretty awesome story , ok so it has no plot so to speak no mission that has you whisk of to a castle to save a princess, but then again who would want to play a game like that, the plot is that you should become the greatest monster hunter! and exceed the village chief.

you start the game doing basic quests too get you into the game such as collecting meat and cooking it, but this soon moves on to slay huge dragons or 'wyverns' as they are called in the game. when you have grasped the basics of hunting you should head online to take down the big beasties with your freinds! this also allows access too better armour and wepons to help you slay more monsters you can easily rack up more than a couple of hundred hours gameplay!

the game has some of the best graphics i have seen in a game of such size, there are sevaral diffrent enviroments such as the jungle which has the most amazing details on plants and animals, the forest & hills in which all of the surronding area is complete as well as the detail of the grasslands, or the volcano where the lava flows like a river with hundreds of diffrent shades of red and black.

sound is as inportant feature in a game as graphics or story as it draws you into the enviroments each monster has sevaral diffrent sounds and the sounds of the bugs and birds changes with each area.
the music is amazing and there is nothing more rewarding than having the victory tune come on after a long and difficult quest, the orchestra is truly amazing

this game is amazing and has so much selection of wepons and armour tactics and quests, it has a steep learning curve but is worth the effort!